
Tuesday, November 14, 2006

In the dark...

Had a power outage last night that lasted from after dinner until after midnight. Our lights went out, then 1/2 hour later they went out in the building across the way. A neighbor coming home reported the lights were out in the center of town, too.

So we had to miss Heroes, and I wound up with a library fine because I couldn't renew a couple of DVDs on line before the library closed. On the plus side, I got to put off balancing the checkbook and paying bills for one more day (I had just gone on line to check recent activity...)

Instead, we lit all the candles and tried to keep S from blowing them out, we tracked down a battery for the book-light, so C could read, J destroyed our fondue pot making cocoa (with some non-regulation canned heat that was a little too hot), and everyone went to bed by candlelight too.

It was kinda cool, but it left me troubled anyway, because lately it seems that things stop working all around me...


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