My blog languishes...
...because I don't know what to write. I finally got to the library yesterday after a coupla months of quick dash-in-and-grab-something visits. So I brought home an armload of books. Came home and dumped them on the sofa -- C. said "You got Assassination Vacation! Cool!"
"Yeah", I said, "you can read it if you want. I didn't know you were a Sarah Vowell fan."
Said C, "Well, I know who she is..."
Saint-like J took a bullet for me yesterday and did the CSA distribution shift. Not as heavy a job as the farm shifts, but more odious to me, because there's more people around. You see all the CSA members as they come to pick up their share of veggies. I deal with people I don't know well all day every day at work, and by the weekend I barely want to say thank you to the girl I buy the NY Times from. I want to stay home and I don't want to have to make small talk with the insufferable hippies and vegans that belong to the CSA.
We are contractually obligated to work 3 farm shifts and 2 distribution shifts -- to date I had done 2 farm shifts and J had done a farm shift and a distribution shift. And it was my turn to work, because he had done a farm shift last. But he went in and worked this one for me anyway and had to deal with the homeless wino that came looking for free food. I told him next year when we move we'll join the CSA in Elba (able was I ere I saw...) which doesn't have a work requirement!
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