The lame and the halt...
Crud. I was doing what was going to be my long run on Saturday, just rounding the first turn of the 13th lap, when my right calf seized up. It wasn't a cramp, and didn't really even hurt all that much -- just felt like the muscle had balled up into a knot. I slowed to a walk to finish out the lap and it started aching like I'd been moving furniture the day before. By the time I got home I was limping.
Sunday morning, it felt a lot better -- no limping, just a little bit of residual stiffness. I went for a walk at Black Creek (in my Bean boots -- it's been 50's and rainy the past 2 weeks and the whole trail was a mud slick) and didn't feel bad at all -- til I got home and started limping again. So I've taken the rest of the week off from running (or even long walks) and I'll see how things go if I start up slow onSaturday. Usually it's my knees that get sore if I'm doing to much -- I've never had a muscle go on me like that. This is new ground I don't want to be breaking.
More fun... Tuesday I started noticing some bruising coming out along the side of my shin and a nice pool of bruise at my ankle. Doesn't hurt at all there, though. Should be interesting to see how the run goes tomorrow...
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