At a loss...
I'm completely and utterly consumed by work right now, but I don't feel like I can talk about it. Yet, I feel like I have very little to say outside of what I'm focused on at work. Boy, I thought I was queen of inappropriate dinner conversation when I worked at the birth center -- now it's a thousand times worse. Shall I tell you about my first time diagnosing and treating an initial herpes outbreak (then 2 patients later diagnosing and treating my first genital warts outbreak)? I really don't want to make people squirm and run the other way. Maybe I'll just talk about what I've been reading lately...
Now I Can Die in Peace : How ESPN's Sports Guy Found Salvation, with a Little Help from Nomar, Pedro, Shawshank, and the 2004 Red Sox
Yes, I'm still reading about 2004. I know it's pathetic. But I have to do something to pass the time until spring training starts!
This was just a collection of columns from, repackaged to make some money. Didn't even pretend to go beyond that. It didn't make money directly from me, though -- I picked it up from the library. There must be a lot of local Sox fans, because they seem to pick up all the new Sox books...
A Slight Trick of the Mind, by Mitch Cullen
Sherlock Holmes, in his 90's, is finding his memory is not what it used to be. Some good reflections on loss of all kinds in this one.
Bonus points to Cullen for using the word "ejaculated" to refer to a verbal exclamation. That used to crack me up when I was 12 and read Conan Doyle.
Blinding Light by Paul Theroux
If you're going to read Theroux, don't read this one. Stick to his travel books. This one just got to be stomach-turning after a while. Actually I think I need to go scour my brain just thinking about it...
I'm plugging away at a goal of reading more fiction this year... we'll see how it goes...
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