Congratulations are in order...
In Denmark, the land of my ancestors, a new prince has been born. He's really cute, too (tho looking a wee bit jaundiced -- I'm sure that's cleared up by now)! All the best to the new parents.
In Denmark, the land of my ancestors, a new prince has been born. He's really cute, too (tho looking a wee bit jaundiced -- I'm sure that's cleared up by now)! All the best to the new parents.
J. just left to play an afternoon gig at our local hippie natural foods co-op, for the princely sum of $15.00 store credit. You can read more about the gig later, here, I'm sure. Thirty seconds after he left, the door opened again -- he'd forgotten his guitar...
...catching my breath. I came home at 9 this morning (Wednesday) having worked 32 of my work week's hours, slept 4 hours out of the last 48 hours, taken the kids to a Halloween party, & had a doctor's appt. So, after lapsing into unconsciousness for a good several hours, I got up and made dinner for everyone. In my pajamas.
R.I.P. Red Sox 2005 season. Summer's really over now.
Story on the radio this afternoon made me think about Magazine Man's ghost story (shiver) and wonder if the ghost might have been one of the unfortunate millions who fell victim to the flu pandemic of 1918. Seems that scientists have finally determined the structure of the 1918 flu virus which killed some 20 million people.
...I'm starting to put the garden to bed for winter. Well, basically, I'm just digging up and potting things I want to bring inside before the frost hits. Thyme, oregano, basil, sage, the gardenia I moved outside for the summer. I've found that I don't have enough big pots; I'll have to pick up some more. It's been in the 80s for the past couple of weeks and still feels like winter could be months off, but these things can sneak up on you. Still, since we haven't had frost yet, it's too early for cleanup. We'll just let those tomatoes sit out there as long as they want to.