
Tuesday, July 26, 2005

because I really should write something here occasionally...

Great huge crashing lightning bolts tonight as a blessed cold front moves through. Tomorrow they're predicting temps in the 70s. We will open the windows and turn off the a/c and feel a little less like creatures living in refrigerated captivity. Had a first at work today -- a patient I'd had got me a gift certificate to the extortionate coffee stand in the hospital lobby, in thanks for taking care of her and her new baby. Cool! It was very sweet of her to do that. This coffee stand is seriously expensive, and I can never justify spending the money to get myself something there. I've gotten their coffee twice in two years; once when I was depressed because I'd been given a holiday, then got a call back 10 minutes later saying "oops, we need you after all, come on in to work," then again when after a 12 hour overnight shift I had to drive to the hospital across town to meet my husband at his appointment with the cardiologist... So next time I need a little something extra to get me through, I'll have that gift certif. waiting in my locker.

Day off yesterday, and I took the kids out to Black Creek to pick blackberries. C was dismayed by the flies that zoom in and circle your head like they're in orbit. They're a big pain when you run -- they keep pace with you all the way, and you're at risk of inhaling them at any time. I usually have a little fan club of 10 or 12 running with me. I always wear a hat or a bandana because I find the most annoying thing to be when they land in your hair and just buzz away two inches from your eyes and ears.

Then before dinner we all went out to the Y and went swimming. Both the kids take lessons there, but it's fun to go and just mess around, too.

In between berry picking and swimming, J and I cleaned practically the whole house, so I was wiped by the end of the day -- need another day off to recover!


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